Judeo-Spanish Songs for the Life Cycle in the Eastern Mediterranean
The album includes folksongs in Ladino that Sephardic Jews used to sing in events of the life cycle in their communities in Turkey, the Balkans and Israel. The recordings and accompanying commentaries are the work of Dr. Susana Weich-Shahak, one of the veteran associate researchers of the JMRC and one of the most prominent scholars of the folksong in Ladino worldwide. These CDs summarize the ethnographic work of Weich-Shahak at the JMRC and the National Sound Archives of the Israel National Library that span for over four decades. Eighty-seven songs are included in the CDs, some of them rare pearls, some of them in different versions, all performed by the best folksingers, mostly women, from the Sephardic communities of Turkey and the Balkan who were recorded in Israel after their immigration. The CDs are accompanied by a substantial trilingual booklet (English, Spanish, and Hebrew) that includes detailed commentaries on the contexts of performance of the songs, their language and literary content as well as the musical styles of the melodies.
You can download MP3s at Amazon, or find it on Apple Music.
CD 1

Rosa Avzaradel (Rhodes)

Malka Shabtay and Lea Bason Behar (Bursa)

Pepo Salem (Thessaloniki)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Mazaltó Lazar, Victoria Peres, Luna Franco, Fortunee Israel, Vita Sarova (Sofia)

Amelie Piha-Pinhas (Fetiye and Rhodes)

Josepo Burgana (Izmir)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Group of women, accompanied by Mordecai Halfon

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Rahel Altalef-Brenner (Izmir)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Valentina Soref (Sliven)

Sara Shahar-Miles-Agranat (Izmir)

Rosa Nahmías (Izmir)

Julie Saltiel (Thessaloniki)

Pepo Salem (Thessaloniki)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Zelda Machorro Barbut (Istanbul)

Pepo Salem (Thessaloniki)

Rivka Peretz (Jerusalem)

Moshe Cabilio (Sarajevo, Bosnia)

Salamón Bivas (Thessaloniki)

Abraham Sadikario et al. (Monastir, Macedonia)

Yehuda Venezia (Jaffa)

Yehuda Venezia (Jaffa)

Amelie Piha (Fethiye)

Rahel Altalef-Brenner (Izmir)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Haim Dassa andand Henrietta Tarabulus (Thessaloniki)

Yaqov Sadikario (Thessaloniki)

Dona Cohen (Sarajevo)

Clara Kadmon-Cohen (Sarajevo)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Ana Cides (Thessaloniki)

Mazaltó Lazar, Victoria Peres, Luna Franco, Fortunée Israel, Vita Sarova (Sofia)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef and Estela Israel (Rhodes)

Kobi Zarco Alvayero (Haifa)

Valentina Soref (Sliven/Sofia)

Malka Shabtay and Lea Bason Behar (Bursa)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Mati Mandil (Dupnitsa)

Kobi Zarco Alvayero (Haifa)

Josepo Burgana (Izmir)

Kobi Zarco Alvayero (Haifa)
CD 2

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Renée Bivas (Thessaloniki)

Bienvenida Manu (Thessaloniki)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Rivka Peretz (Jerusalem)

Josepo Burgana (Izmir)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Kobi Zarco Alvayero (Haifa)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Rahel Altalef-Brenner (Izmir)

Josepo Burgana (Izmir)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Rachel Levy, Sarah Cohen, Milka David, Yosef Buco, Mosé Capón, Shalom Hayaari, Sara Mashiah; panderos: Berto Yom-Tov, Yaacov Hizkiyah and others (Sofia)

Rachel Levy, Milka David, Yosef Buco, Mosé Capón, Shalom Hayaari, Sara Mashiah, ; panderos: Berto Yom-Tov, Yaacov Hizkiyah and others (Sofia)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Mati Mandil (Dupnitsa)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Clara Kadman (Sarajevo)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Rahel Altalef-Brenner (Izmir)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Josepo Burgana (Izmir)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Rosa Avzaradel-Alhadef (Rhodes)

Rachel Levy, Bela Behar, Victoria Mezán, Sara Cohen, Esther Nardea, Sara Mashiah, Abraham Yom Tov, Moshé Capón, Albert Brahá (Sofia)

Mati Mandil (Dupnitsa)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia), Victoria Peres, Fortunee Israel, Luna Franco, Vita Sarova (Sofia)

Bela Behar, Abraham Behar and others

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Kobi Zarco Alvayero (Haifa)

Rosa Avzaradel (Rhodes)

Carolina Ashkenazi (Istanbul)

Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Çanakkale)

Mazaltó Lazar (Cisr-i Mustafa Paşa [Svilengrad]/Sofia)

Abraham Altalef (Izmir)

Sara Shahar-Miles-Agranat (Izmir)
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