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The Chicago Manual of Style

Ambrust, Walter. Mass Culture and Modernism in Egypt. Cambridge University Press, 1996.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Rabinovitch (Ravina), Menashe. "Avraham Tsevi Idelzon-Ben-Yehudah, 1882–1938" ('Abraham Zvi Idelsohn-Ben Yehuda, 1882-1938'). Tel Aviv: "Hamakhon le-Shi’urei Neginah ve-Tizmoret Merkazit be-Batei ha-Sefer ha-‘Ironiyyim" ('Center for Music Lessons and City Schools’ Central Orchestra'),1938.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Noy, Amos. "Edim o mumhim: Yehudim maskilim bene Yerushalayim veha-Mizrah bi-tehilat ha-meʼah ha-20" ('Expert or Witnesses: Jewish Intelligentsia from Jerusalem and the Levant in the Beginning of the 20th Century'). Tel Aviv: Resling, 2017.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Shiloah, Amnon. "Ezra Aharon veha-Zemer ha-‘Ivri ha-Mizrah.i bi-Tqufat ha-Yishuv" (‘Ezra Aharon and the Hebrew Oriental Song During the Yishuv Period’). In Yerushalayim bi-Tqufat ha-Mandat. edited by Yehoshua Ben Arieh. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi Institute, 2003.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Evri, Yuval. "Ha-Shivah le-Andalus: Mahloqet ‘al tarbut ve-zehut yehudit-sfaradit ve-yehudit aravit" ('The return of Al-Andalus: Controversy over Judeo-Spanish and Judeo-Arabic Culture and Identity'). Jerusalem: Magnes Press, 2020.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Rabinovitch (Ravina), Menashe. "‘ha-Yahadut ba-Muziqa’ (‘Judaism in Music’)." Davar, June 3, 1927.


Hever, Hannan and Yehuda Shenhav. "ha-Yehudim ha-Aravim: Gilgulo shel Musag" (‘Arab Jews: The Metapmorphosis of a Term’). Pe’amim: Studies in Oriental Jewry 127 (Spring-Fall 2010): 57–74.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Yehuda, Zvi. "Ha-‘aliyah me-‘iraq be-reshit shnot ha-‘esrim u-vayoteia." ('Immigration from Iraq Starting in the 1920s and Its Problems') In "Mibavel lirushalayim" ('From Babylon to Jerusalem'). Zvi Yehudah, editor. Tel Aviv: Babylonian Jewish Heritage Center, 1981.

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