Call for papers

Yuval, the yearbook of the Jewish Music Research Center at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem is an open-access online Journal since December of 2019.

Dedicated to the study of Jewish musical traditions and their cultural habitats, the new Yuval welcomes articles on these topics using ethnographical, historical, historiographical, aesthetic and semiotic perspectives based on archival research, contemporary fieldwork, and digital resources. Yuval also considers review essays on thematically related books and/or music editions. Attached media formats in addition to digitized or scanned music examples are a welcome addition, yet authors are responsible for obtaining permission to include copyrighted material in any type of text published in Yuval.

Peer-review process in Yuval  is double-blind. Original articles that are not under review elsewhere should be anywhere between 9,000 to 11,000 words (footnotes and bibliography included). Citations should follow the latest version of the Chicago Manual of Style, using the author-date system. Submissions should be sent electronically as an email attachment to

A single Word document (.docx, please) should contain the following: the text of the submission; figures, captions, tables; an abstract of 200–300 words; and authors’ contact information. Music examples should be submitted separately (see Instructions for Authors). Attachments should not exceed 10MB. For additional inquiries please email the editorial board at Articles may be submitted in either English or Hebrew. 

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