With Songs They Respond: The Diwan of the Jews from Central Yemen
The Jews of Yemen possess rich musical traditions, which have always been of interest to scholars of Jewish music, just as their unique cultural history has attracted the attention of Jewish scholars from an early stage. Interest in this culture is still alive today, half a century after the migration of most of the Jews from Yemen to Israel. Their special contribution to the development of Israeli culture, including many variants of Israeli music, is one focus of such interest. This publication of archival recordings of Yemenite Jewish music is still, therefore, considerably pertinent.
This album contains a selection from the varied range of recordings made by Naomi Bahat-Ratzon and Avner Bahat in the 1970s. They have been chosen in the first place on the grounds of the quality of performance and recording, and, secondly, in accordance with the diverse principles and combinations characteristic of the diwan repertoire. Some of the songs are heard in a series of different performances, in order to enable the listener to appreciate the variety of melodies and their combinations, while focusing on the basic characteristics of the music of the diwan songs. Each singer chose the stanzas that he wanted to sing, as well as the melodies and the transitions between them. This enables one to comprehend the ways in which the songs have evolved in the Yemenite Jewish tradition and in their Israeli adaptations.
Performers include: Zadok Zubeiri, Shalom Keisar, Uri Cohen, Menachem Arussi, Yosef Ozeiri, Yosef Cohen, Yehudah Cohen, Zekhariah Yitzhak, Aharon Cohen, Haim Cohen, Danny Cohen, Baruch Yefet, Aharon Amram, Yehiel Zabari, and Haim Ozeiri.
You can also find this album on Apple Music, or download MP3s on Amazon.
CD 1

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Shalom Keisar and the Kiryat Ono male voice ensemble

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Uri Cohen

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Menachem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono male voice ensemble

Performed by Zadok Zubeiri and Yosef Ozeiri

Performed by Menachem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Yosef, Yehuda and Uri Cohen

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Aharon Cohen and the Kiryat Ono men's ensemble

Written by Yosef ben Israel
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Written by Yosef ben Israel
Performed by Menachem Arussi

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Menachem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono men's and children's ensemble

Written by Seʼadia
Performed by Aharon Cohen and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Seʼadia
Performed by Aharon Cohen and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Performed by the brothers Haim and Dani Cohen with the Kiryat Ono men and children's ensemble

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Aharon Cohen and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Aharon Cohen and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Shlomo ben Sa'id
Performed by two pupils of Menahem Arussi with their teacher

Written by Shlomo ben Sa'id
Performed by Menahem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono men and children's ensemble

Written by Yosef ben Israel
Performed by Shalom Keisar and the Kiryat Ono men and children's ensemble

Written by Seʼadia
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri
CD 2

Written by Shelomo Ibn Gabirol
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by Shelomo Ibn Gabirol
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by Zacharia Al-Dahri
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Written by Zacharia Al-Dahri
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Written by Zacharia Al-Dahri
Performed by Baruch Yefet

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Menahen Arussi and the Kiryat Ono man's ensemble

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Written by Hisdai
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri

Written by Se'adia ben Amram
Performed by Menahem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono men and children's ensemble

Written by Se'adia ben Amram
Performed by Baruch Yefet

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Aharon Amram and Menahem Arussi

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Menahem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Zadok Zubeiri

Written by Yosef ben Israel
Performed by Menahem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Yosef ben Israel
Performed by Menahem Arussi and the Kiryat Ono male ensemble

Written by Yehosef
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zekharia Yitzhak

Written by Shalem Shabazi
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by David
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri

Written by Yehuda Halevi
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by Yehuda Halevi
Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Written by David ben Yosef
Performed by Aharon Amram, Menahem Arussi, and two of his young pupils

Written by David ben Yosef
Performed by Aharon Amram, Menahem Arussi, and two of his young pupils

Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Performed by Yosef, Yehuda and Uri Cohen

Performed by Yosef, Yehuda and Uri Cohen

Performed by Menahem Arussi and two of his young pupils

Performed by Zadok Zubeiri