(137 results found)
Meir Shimon Geshuri
… his period, Geshuri found such an ancient repository in the Yemenite Jewish musical traditions. But in addition, and … activists at that time, he found an affinity between Yemenites and Ashkenazi Jews from Poland (i.e. not from … is closer to the Hebrew source… in the music of the Yemenites we find many share roots with the Ashkenazi music …
Yedidyah Admon
… that followed him. His unique style combined elements from Yemenite, Persian, Arab, and Hassidic music as well as …
Nahum Nardi
… the Jewish Community center in Berlin, Nardi met the Yemenite singer Brakha Tzefira , who studied in Berlin at … to tutoring and accompanying other singers, most of them of Yemenite origin. Gradually he retired from the concert hall. … in Israel and the U.S. Nardi's line of work with female Yemenite singers was preserved throughout his career, likely …
Johanna L. Spector
… musical cultures, including music from Iraqi, Persian, Yemenite, and Indian cultures. She documented these cultures …
Mordekhai Zeira
… (known more as Pakad Adonai ), composed in the style of Yemenite music, in accordance to the theater's request. From … and west, such as Ta'amey HaMikra, H assidic melodies, or Yemenite singing. Zeira himself has fulfilled this wish, as …
Moshe Wilensky
… Wilensky composed most of her songs, including Yemenite-style pieces to lyrics by Alterman and Orland, such …
Paul Ben-Haim
… the arrangements that he made for her Sephardi and Yemenite tunes into his symphonies and other works. His …
Manahem Avidom
… composers who wrote arrangements for the unique Jewish-Yemenite artist and singer, Bracha Zefira, and based many of their compositions on Yemenite and Sephardi tunes she sang, he was one of the …
Oedoen Partos
… his original, local style through the synthesis of Yemenite tunes he transcribed from Bracha Zefira. Music in …
Yehiel 'Adaki
… singing with Rabbi Shalom Giat, a famous singer among the Yemenite Jews from Manakhah, who, upon visits to Sana'a, was … house. In Palestine, 'Adaki discovered that Jewish Yemenite singing is looked down upon, even by Yemenite youth, and that it is only known in Yemenite …