(113 results found)
Y espera, señor (17)
In this wedding song the bride describe her preparations, such as powdering her face (v…
Y estas caśas altas son (18)
This wedding song talks poetically about the tall house as appropriate for the wedding (…
19. Arrelumbre y arrelumbre/Y arrelumbre y arrelumbre
(19a) In this wedding song the bride is describe, shining like the sun and the moon…
Dice la nuestra novia (20)
This is a wedding song with an accumulative text heaping poetic metaphors on the bride.…
Idos, ídos, ídos (21)
A song sung in farewell to the wedding guests (v. 1-4). The guests ate everything up (v…
La madre de esta novia (22a)
After the wedding, the mother of the bride asks to be pardoned (v. 1-2) if the meal was…
Dadnós a la novia (23)
This song is sung by the groom's family after the wedding. They demand the release of…
Desde hoy, la mi madre (24)
This wedding song describes the bride's departure. She leaves her mother (v. 1-2) and…
Uno, dos, tres, cuatro (25)
This game song describes how the bride receives a ring (v. 7) and is embraced by her…
Cuando yo en cá de mi padre (26)
The bride is longing for the days when she lived happily in her father's house (v. 1-2…