(335 results found)
Pinhas Minkowski
… officiated as a cantor. Minkowski studied the cantorial tradition with his father, and supplemented his basic musical education by joining the choir of Cantor Nissan … intellectual movement in Odessa. He lectured at the Jewish Conservatory and was the chairman of the Ha-Zamir …
Sholom Secunda
… and C. Once in New York, Mr. Wolf began to manage Sholom's musical career, setting up engagements in a number of … age prevented him from officiating High Holiday Services in traditional synagogues, he was contracted to lead services … year he developed something of a mentor relationship with Jewish composer Ernest Bloch with whom he studied …
Mordekhai Seter
… three choirs and orchestra depicting the redemption of the Jewish people. This oratorio has been considered since its … as a 10-year old child, and at 16 he went to further his musical education in Europe (Paris, 1932-1937, studying with … or motives derived from Mizrahi (Jewish Near-Eastern) traditions. Unlike most composers of that time, however, he …
Yehuda Sharett (Shertok)
… (for which he won the Engel prize ) , a piece combining Jewish tradition with modern musical elements. Also known for composing poems of various …
Joshua Weisser (Pilderwasser)
… Ushitsa, Ukraine. As a child, Weisser was exposed to the tradition of Hassidic melodies and Hebrew zemirot through … his father Aba Pilderwasser. Weisser began his formal musical education with the local hazzan of Novata Ushitsa, … and from 1939-1940 he served as the president of the Jewish Ministers Cantors Association of America. In …
Mordekhai Hershman
… in New York City at Tomashevsky’s Theatre appeared in The Jewish Daily News of February 20, 1920. The enthusiastic … the porous line separating secular from the religious musical practices led by great cantors of the time such as … Renanah Music, 1925) is based, among other motifs, on the traditional Haftarah cantillation. Hershman recorded this …

Isaac Offenbach
… of synagogue and secular music. The majority of his musical manuscripts are preserved, including twenty folders of cantorial compositions and transcriptions of traditional synagogue melodies. His manuscripts were donated to The Jewish Institute of Religion in New York, and to the …
Edward Stark
… in the early 1860’s. The Stark family settled in the German-Jewish community concentrated in the 'East 50’s' of New York … years with his brothers in the clothing business, pursuing musical activities in his free time. In April of 1884, Stark … Stark was aligned with the South German cantorial style, a tradition he inherited from his father, and from teachers in …
Joseph Shlisky
… the British capital. At the turn of the 20th century, the Jewish community in Toronto grew, synagogues flourished, and … and left it after a short time. He never thought about a musical career until, one day, he was singing at his sewing … may have been folk songs, Shlisky was also known to perform traditional hazzanut songs on the concert stage, including …
Lazare Saminsky
… In 1908 he became a founding member of the Society for Jewish Folk Music , working as its first secretary. During … cantillations, prayer chants, melodies, and other sacred musical traditions of the Georgian and Persian Jews in …