Lekh le-shalom geshem

Lekh le-shalom geshem

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardoso

Part of the tiqqun ha-tal (Prayer for Dew), a prayer recited on the first day of Passover to mark the passing from the winter to the summer season. This ancient melody from Amsterdam and London bears a similarity with the opening of the Israeli national anthem, Hatiqvah, a curious fact that has been noted in some studies about this anthem.

This similarity, however, appears to be fortuitous. An almost identical version of this melody with a text from the Hallel for the Three Festivals (see no. 28 below) is transcribed by Aguilar-De Sola (1857: 39, no. 42)

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים