Yuval is a scientific peer-reviewed journal devoted to the advancement and dissemination of scientific knowledge concerning Jewish musics and related academic disciplines. An open access journal published 3-5 articles per year (articles are uploaded immediately upon their final acceptance).

Volume XIII, 2024
סיור סליחות מבוזר: תיווכו של הפיוט "אדון הסליחות" מבתי הכנסת הספרדיים אל המוזיקה הפופולרית בישראל // Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the A…
סיור סליחות מבוזר: תיווכו של הפיוט "אדון הסליחות" מבתי הכנסת הספרדיים אל המוזיקה הפופולרית בישראל // Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre // Book Review: Music’s Making - The Poetry of Music; The Music of Poetry

Volume XII, 2021
למנצח בנגינֹת מזמור שיר: מענה הרב יוסף קאפח בעניין ספר התהילים במשכנות בני תימן // Book Review: Joel E. Rubin, New York Klezmer in the Early Twenti…
למנצח בנגינֹת מזמור שיר: מענה הרב יוסף קאפח בעניין ספר התהילים במשכנות בני תימן // Book Review: Joel E. Rubin, New York Klezmer in the Early Twentieth Century // Book Review: Charles B. Hersch, Jews and Jazz Improvising Ethnicity

Volume XI, 2020
Niggun ‘Akedah: A Traditional Melody Concerning the Binding of Isaac // Yom Yom Odeh: Towards the Biography of a Hebrew Baidaphon Record // צלילי א…
Niggun ‘Akedah: A Traditional Melody Concerning the Binding of Isaac // Yom Yom Odeh: Towards the Biography of a Hebrew Baidaphon Record // צלילי איוב במערב־התיכון של ארצות הברית: איש רציני יהודי לנוכח עץ החיים הנוצרי // Review essay: Kevin C. Karnes and Emilis Melngailis, Jewish Folk Songs from the Baltics // Book review: Hernan Tesler-Mabé, Mahler’s Forgotten Conductor // Book review: James Kaplan, Irving Berlin: New York Genius

Volume X, 2016
Eastern Ashkenazi Biblical Cantillation: An Interpretive Musical Analysis // סוחר-צמר-פילוסוף יהודי במוצול דן במוסיקה בהשראת צפייה בריקוד צוּפי
…Eastern Ashkenazi Biblical Cantillation: An Interpretive Musical Analysis // סוחר-צמר-פילוסוף יהודי במוצול דן במוסיקה בהשראת צפייה בריקוד צוּפי

Volume IX, 2015
Hatikvah: Conceptions, Receptions and Reflections // «A Special Kind of Antisemitism»: On Russian Nationalism and Jewish Music
Hatikvah: Conceptions, Receptions and Reflections // «A Special Kind of Antisemitism»: On Russian Nationalism and Jewish Music

Volume VIII, 2014
A Brief Account of the Development of the Field of Music Archaeology // The Mesopotamian Theory of Music and the Ugarit Notation — a Reexamination…
A Brief Account of the Development of the Field of Music Archaeology // The Mesopotamian Theory of Music and the Ugarit Notation — a Reexamination // Mesopotamian Music Theory Since 1977 // Sounds from the Divine: Religious Musical Instruments in the Ancient Near East // The Balaĝ Instrument and its Role in the Cult of Ancient Mesopotamia // The Ala-Instrument: its Identification and Role // Musical Practices and Instruments in Late Bronze Age Ugarit (Syria) // Nudity and Music in Anatolian Mythological Seduction Scenes and Iconographic Imagery // Illusions of Grandeur: The Instruments of Daniel 3 Reconsidered // Greek Epic and Kypriaka: Why “Cyprus Matters” // Aristophanes’ Phrynichos and the Orientalizing Musical Pattern // Aspects of Music Culture in the Land of Israel during the Hellenistic, Roman and Byzantine Periods: Sepphoris as a Case Study // Soothing Lyres and epôidai: Music Therapy and the Cases of Orpheus, Empedocles and David // Sounds from under the Ashes: The Music of Cults and Mysteries in the Ancient Vesuvian Land // Ancient Music in the Modern Classroom

Volume VII, 2002
Inventing Jewish Music // Sur le concept de musique juive // Vom liturgischen Sprechgesang zur autonomen Musiksprache: Stationen der Entwicklung yo…
Inventing Jewish Music // Sur le concept de musique juive // Vom liturgischen Sprechgesang zur autonomen Musiksprache: Stationen der Entwicklung yon abendlandischer Notenschrift und Musikgeschichte // Orality as Religious Ideal: The Music of East-European Jewish Prayer // Music in Sixteenth-Century Kabbalah in Northern Africa // Salamone Rossi as a Composer of "Hebrew" Music // Songs of Grief and Hope: Ancient Western-Sephardi Melodies of Qinot for the Ninth of Av // The Priestly Blessing in the Ashkenazi Synagogue: Ritual and Chant // The Training of Hazzanim in Nineteenth-Century Germany // The Karaite Jews of Israel Reconstruct their Heritage // Le monument juif d'epoque romane de Rouen: Ce que nous enseignent les graffiti // The Bergamasca: Some Jewish Links? // Jewish Singing and Boxing in Georgian England // To Please Both the Ear and the Eye: Moses Mendelssohn, Equal Temperament and the Delian Problem // Unintentional History: Musical Moments in 1930s Yiddish Films // על המצע המוסיקלי של ״המהפכה הספרדית״ בצורות השיר העברי בימי הביניים // כוחו של הניגון בהגות החסידית ותפקידו בהווי הדתי והחברתי

Volume VI, 1994
Towards an Interdisciplinary Study of Jewish Oral Traditions // Plurivocality in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of San‘a (Yemen) // Towards a Typ…
Towards an Interdisciplinary Study of Jewish Oral Traditions // Plurivocality in the Liturgical Music of the Jews of San‘a (Yemen) // Towards a Typology of the Judeo-Spanish Folksong: Gerineldo and the Romance Model // A Hassidic Ritual Dance: The Mitsve Tants in Jerusalemite Weddings // The Rules of the Oral Transmission of the Mishnah According to the Aleppo Tradition
Volume V, 1986
Introduction to Idelsohn’s Autobiographical Sketches // My Life: A Sketch // The Announcement of the Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem by A.Z.…
Introduction to Idelsohn’s Autobiographical Sketches // My Life: A Sketch // The Announcement of the Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem by A.Z. Idelsohn and S.Z. Rivlin in 1910 // An Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem // Idelsohn: The Founder and Builder of the Science of Jewish Music – A Creator of Jewish Song // A.Z. Idelsohn: A Pioneer in Jewish Ethnomusicology // Idelsohn’s Scholarly and Literary Publications: An Annotated Bibliography // Persistence and Transformation of a Sephardi - Penitential Hymn under Changing Environmental Conditions // The Archives of the World Centre for Jewish Music in Palestine, 1936-1940, at the Jewish National and University Library, Jerusalem // La place traditionnelle du melisme dans la cantillation // The Performance Practice of the Rig-Veda: A Musical Expression of Excited Speech // Neue Aspekte zum strukturellen Zusammenhang zwischen Tæamê emet und hebräisch-orientalische Psalmodie // Music in the Testament of Job // Exemplification and the Limits of “Correctness”: The Implicit Methodology of Idelsohn’s "Thesaurus" // Jewish Liturgical Forms in the Falasha Liturgy? A Comparative Study // Numerical Representation of Variants of Orally Transmitted Tunes // Idelsohn's Autobiographical Sketches (Hebrew) // My Life (Hebrew) // The Announcement of the Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem by A. Z. Idelsohn and S. Z. Rivlin in 1910 (Hebrew) // An Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem (Hebrew) // A.Z. Idelsohn's Music: A Bibliography (Hebrew) // Three Musical Ceremonies for Hôšanā Rabbah in the Jewish Community of Casale Monferrato (1732, 1733, 1735) (Hebrew) // The Hallelôt in the Yemenite Dīwān (Hebrew) // A.Z. Idelsohn and the Study of the Traditional Pronunciations of Hebrew (Hebrew) // Yemenite Qasīd Songs (Hebrew) // The Music and its Function in the Singing of the Qasīd anda birabbī dī kalaq (Hebrew)

Volume IV, 1982
Heinrich Schalit and Paul Ben-Haim in Munich // The Musical Realization of Biblical Cantillation Symbols (te‘amîm) in the Jewish Yemenite Tradition…
Heinrich Schalit and Paul Ben-Haim in Munich // The Musical Realization of Biblical Cantillation Symbols (te‘amîm) in the Jewish Yemenite Tradition // Music and Prophetic Kabbalah // Eduard Birnbaum - a Bibliography // A Jewish Sufi on the Influence of Music // The Titles of the Psalms - A Renewed Investigation of an Old Problem // Paradigms of Arabic Modes in the Genizah Fragment Cambridge T.S. N.S. 90,4 // The Musical Passage in Ibn Ezra's "Book of the Garden" // Notes on Bukharan Music in Israel // Felix Mendelssohn - Gustav Mahler: Two Borderline Cases of German-Jewish Assimilation // Collectanea Concerning Music in the Hebrew Manuscript London, British Library, Or. 10878 (Hebrew) // The Magical and Theurgic Interpretation of Music in Jewish Sources from the Renaissance to Hassidism (Hebrew)

Volume III, 1974
“‘Ên Kol"- Commentaire hébraïque de Šem Tov ibn Šaprût sur le Canon d’Avicenne // The Reliability of Oral Transmission: The Case of Samaritan Music…
“‘Ên Kol"- Commentaire hébraïque de Šem Tov ibn Šaprût sur le Canon d’Avicenne // The Reliability of Oral Transmission: The Case of Samaritan Music // The Hasidic Dance-Niggûn - A Study Collection and its Classificatory Analysis // The Hebrew Version of Abû l-Salt’s Treatise on Music // Robert Lachmann: His Achievement and His Legacy // Jubal in the Middle Ages // Melody and Poetry in the “Kuzari” (Hebrew) // The Influence of Choral Elements on the Formation and Development of the Piyyût Genres (Hebrew)

Volume II, 1971
Ne‘ima (Nagmah) in Medieval Hebrew Literature — The term mūsīqā in Medieval Hebrew Literature (supplement to the article published in Yuval I) (Heb…
Ne‘ima (Nagmah) in Medieval Hebrew Literature — The term mūsīqā in Medieval Hebrew Literature (supplement to the article published in Yuval I) (Hebrew) // Qalonimus ben Qalonimus. Ma’amar be-mispar hahokmôt. Chapitre III, Paragraphe 6 (La Musique) // Musical Tradition and its Transmitters between Synagogue and Church // The Treatise on Music Translated into Hebrew by Juda ben Isaac (Paris B.N. Héb. 1037, 22v-27v) // The Music of Kurdistan Jews - a Synopsis of their Musical Styles // Fragment hébraïque d’un traité attribué a Marchetto de Padoue // The Concept of Mode in European Synagogue Chant // The Meaning of the Modal Framework in the Singing of Religious Hymns by Christian Arabs in Israel // Le Niggûn Merôn

Volume I, 1968
The Reading of Marka’s Poems by the Samaritans on the Sabbath (Hebrew) // Le traité anonyme du manuscrit Hébreu 1037 de la Bibliotheque Nationale d…
The Reading of Marka’s Poems by the Samaritans on the Sabbath (Hebrew) // Le traité anonyme du manuscrit Hébreu 1037 de la Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris // La musique juive dans l’Espagne médiévale // The Cantorial Fantasia of the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries // Traces of Jewish Musicians in the Writings of Lomazzo // The Biblical NEBEL // Nicomaque, Aristote et Terpandre devant la transformation de l’heptacorde grec en octocorde // Remarks Concerning the Use of the Melograph in Ethnomusicological Studies // Vocal Folk-Polyphonies of the Western Orient in Jewish Tradition // A la recherche du Tonus Peregrinus dans la tradition musicale juive // Self-Revelation and the Law - Arnold Schoenberg in his Religious Works // Deux textes arabes inédits sur la musique // The “Proclamation Style” in Hebrew Music // The Term mûsîqah in Mediaeval Jewish Literature (Hebrew)