63. El parto feliz (Isac Haim)

El parto feliz

Isac Haim

Haim Effendi’s recording of this song (2008, CD IV, no. 12, from 1922) which we formerly believed was the earliest, is now superseded by this recording by Isac Haïm from 1912. Isaac Algazi recorded this song too for the Favorite label, apparently as early as 1912 but no copy of his recording survives. This song on a topic that has almost disappeared from the pan-Hispanic lyric poetry, hailing the father and the mother of the newborn, is well documented in the Sephardic oral traditions from various Ottoman cities. The most comprehensive printed version of this poem appears in El buquieto de romanzas (Istanbul 1926, p. 10 in makam Eviç; see also Hemsi 1995, no. 68 and the notes and references there). Isac Haïm sings only two stanzas and the refrain.

Oh! que mueve meses

trabateš d’estrechura.

Ya viene el parido

con los combidados.

Ya es, ya es buen simán

esta alegría.


Oh! que pino, pino revedrido.

Mos viva el parido

que mos traiga vino

por meze licorino.


Ya viene el parido

con los combidados

que trae en la mano

sinta y buen piscado.

En la otra mano

resta de ducados.

Ya es, ya es buen simán

esta alegría.


Oh! que pino, pino revedrido.

Mos viva el parido

que mos traiga vino

por meze licorino.

Aaa amán, yarem, ey ey amán.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים