Regina Zuckerberg

Born in Europe, Regina Zuckerberg was an actress on the Yiddish theater scene.

Her artistic career began at the Jewish Theater in Lemberg, Galicia. In September 1911, she immigrated to the United States with her husband, the actor Sigmund Zuckerberg. She was a leading actress in several theaters under the direction of Boris Tomashevsky. Tomashevsky was the founder of the American Yiddish Theater and one of its most important actor-impresarios. Throughout her career, she remained his companion on the stage. She was known for her powerful voice on stage. In the mid-1910s she became a member of the Union of Jewish Actors in the United States.

She was most well known for her appearance in 1935 in the movie Bar Mitzvah, directed by Henry Lynn.

Regina Zuckerberg died on October 4, 1964, in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.


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