(4087 results found)

Sefer Hanigunim
175 Hassidic songs, some with words, transcribed and arranged by Weisser. Also contains…

A Tickle in the Heart, The Epstein Brothers Klezmer Music Legends
Documentary. A Tickle in the Heart captures the past, present, and future of the…

Rumenye, Rumenye
Documentary. Romanian director Radu Gabrea traveles to New York to delve into a…

From Shtetl to Swing
Documentary. Between 1880 and 1924, 2.5 million Jews fled persecution in Russia and…

Knowledge Is the Beginning, Daniel Barenboim and the West-Eastern Divan Orchestra
Documentary. Conductor Daniel Barenboim and Palestinian writer Edward Said founded in…

Sabbath Morning Service
Musical setting for the Shabbath morning service using the Union Prayer Book.…

Sacred service / Salamone Rossi
A selection from Salamone de Rossi's Ha-shirim asher li-Shelomo arranged as a service…

Sacred service / Salamone Rossi
A selection from Salamone de Rossi's Ha-shirim asher li-Shelomo arranged as a service…

Neue Aspekte zum strukturellen Zusammenhang zwischen Ta'ame Emet und Hebraisch-Orientalischer Psalmodie
The article reexamines the connection between psalmodic performance and the…