(117 results found)

Albert Weisser
… Albert Weisser was Born in New York City of Russian-Jewish parentage. He attended high school in Queens … Upon graduating in 1948, he entered the master's program in musicology. Under the guidance of Curt Sachs , he wrote his thesis on 'The Jewish National Music in Russia', which was later published as The Modern …
Mordechai Yardeni (Motl Sherman)
… in 1906 in the town of Slovechno (Volyn province of the Russian Empire, now Ukraine). His father, Chaim Sherman, was … yeshiva Mishkan Israel. Later he enrolled in The School of Music and Drama. As a writer, Sherman made his debut writing … newspaper ' Yiddishe Welt' began to publish his musical and theatrical reviews. In February 1930, at the …

Joseph Yasser
… Jewish music researcher & collector. Born in Lodz, Poland. Studied … synagogues and was one of the founders of the American Musicological Society. His research deals with theories of tonality, Russian music, and Jewish music (Biblical instruments, …
Meir Shimon Geshuri
… - December 9, 1977) was an Israeli researcher of Jewish music with emphasis on the study of Hassidic music … a relatively new Jewish settlement in Silesia] next to the Prussian border during [the Rebbe’s] journeys to the springs … Congress Poland, which had to be separated from the Russian volumes due to space considerations. The fifth and …

David Nowakowsky
… concerts comprised of his own liturgical and paraliturgical music, with instrumental accompaniment. As a result of this … his work at the Brody Synagogue, Nowakowsky also taught music at several local music schools, later becoming a … continue to be used by many hazzanim and choirmasters. … Russian synagogue choirmaster, composer & teacher … Hazan, …
Abraham Goldfaden
… was in circulation for approximately six months before the Russian government banned its continued publication. … his songs, as well as other popular Jewish and secular music. The initial performances of these musical theater … theater continued to grow in scope until 1883 when the Russian government banned performances in Yiddish. As a …
Joseph Achron
… was born in Lozdzieje, a small village in Lithuania . His musical genius became evident early on and at the age of … tenure there was cut short by his draft into the Russian Army in 1916. In the years after World War I, Achron … a grant from the Leonid Nevzin Center for the Research of Russian and European Jewry. Joseph (Yussl) Achron, Jewish …
Samuel Alman
… Alman was born in Sobolevka, Podolia in 1877. He began his musical education at the conservatory in Odessa and was a member of the Russian army band based there. After the tragic pogrom in Kishinev , Alman moved to London where he continued his musical studies at the Royal College of Music. There he …
Alexander A. Krein
… other siblings were taught Jewish folk and instrumental music by his father who was a well known Klezmer musician … and he became a prominent figure in the school of modern Russian composition. Krein’s early work was deeply … developed in response to new influences and trends in the Russian Jewish school. Krien also composed a large …
Pinhas Minkowski
… tradition with his father, and supplemented his basic musical education by joining the choir of Cantor Nissan … Jewish Conservatory and was the chairman of the Ha-Zamir musical society, under whose auspices he published several … on Hebrew University's Givat Ram campus in Jerusalem. … Russian cantor & composer … Hazzan, Hazan, Chazzan, …