
Song of the Month Archive

Sharing with you the captivating and at times surprising stories behind highly celebrated and less renowned Jewish songs.

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November 2020

La Galana: A Very Old-New Sephardic Song 

The 78rpm recordings that are still emerging from archives around the world offer unique vistas on past musical cul
July 2020

The Fall of Jerusalem in Song: The Ashkenazi Melody She’eh ne’esar 

In his pioneer publication Hebrew Hymn Melodies: The Rise and development of a Musical Tradition
July 2020

Bore ‘ad ana – A Dirge for the Ninth of Av and its Geographical Distribution

“Bore ‘ad ana” (“Creator until when?”) is one of the most ubiquitous qinot (dirges) in the order
May 2020

Nuestro Señor Eloheinu/Las tablas de la Ley: A Song for Shavuot

Our song of the month concerns a Sephardic song commonly sung on the Passover and Shavuot holidays, which is derive
April 2020

In The Land Of The Pyramids: A Secular Take On Passover

Studying songs for Passover offers us a rich field of inquiry into the processes that constitute Jewish music repertoires, most especially in
November 2018

El Incendio de Saloniki: The Song of the Fire

The Sephardic copla, El incendio de Saloniki (The Fire of Saloniki), also known as La cantiga del fuego (The Song
October 2018

Four Melodies for Four Questions

New Findings about the 'Traditional' Israeli Melody for Mah Nishtanah
October 2018

The medieval Hebrew song Kikhlot yeini and its Purim connections: New sources on its music

Not all traditional Jewish holiday songs have survived in their original performance context or with their melodies of
February 2018

Moyshelekh Un Shloymelekh (part 1)

'Moyshelekh and Shloymelekh' is a name referring to two different Yiddish songs, 'Unter Di Gri
December 2017

Ner Haviv, Ner Na'eh

This song of the month was released in the old website of the JMRC on Hannukkah 5669 (2009).
August 2017

“Eli Eliyahu:” The Havdalah Piyyut and its Melodies

By: Adi Koren, Or Dotan, Avigail Harel, Nave Klil Hahoresh, Clement Robert, Courtney Blue, Yaniv Dery, Noam Peleg,&

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