
Song of the Month Archive

Sharing with you the captivating and at times surprising stories behind highly celebrated and less renowned Jewish songs.

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September 2008

Piyyutim for the High Holidays

From the upcoming release of JMRC's-Anthology of Musical Traditions in Israel: The Historical Recordings of Haim Effendi of Turkey
July 2008

Mi-al har horev from the manuscripts of Obadiah the Proselyte

The preparation of this song of the month was inspired by several recent inquiries regarding the musical manus
June 2008

Dos Fartribene Taybele (The Exiled Dove)

This entry is part of an online exhibit entitled: 'Abraham Goldfaden: A Centennial Tribute,' prepared by Eva Hei
Song of the month placeholder
May 2008

Prayer for the state

March 2008

Purim, Purim, Purim lanu

Not many piyyutim for Purim are extant, and “Purim, Purim, Purim lanu” (“Purim, Purim, Purim for us”), written by R

Hava Nagila

This entry is part of an online exhibit entitled: 'Hava Nagila: From Idelsohn to Belafonte & Beyond,' prepared by Eva Heinstein with help

Im nin'alu

Im nin’alu daltei nedivim is a shira by Shalem Shabazi, signed Alshabazi.

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