Music from the Holy Land

This film documents different songs and musical styles in Israel during the 1970's.

  1. Yaffa Yarkoni sings 'Finjan'  
  2. Pravaim sing 'Shovi, Shovi'
  3. Melon Colors 5 Jazz group
  4. Nina and Shlomo Nitzan singing a Jewish medley
  5. Christian chants in the Garden tomb
  6. The Parvarim- Love song in Ladino
  7. Psychedelic rock band Acharit Hayamim (apocalypse) that features the drummer from ' The Natural Choice,' and Yitzhak Klepter playing with an uod player in a rehearsal studio.
  8. Hava Negila
  9. Yaffa Yarkoni singing 'L’Shana Haba' in English.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים