(3961 results found)

Joseph Singer
Born in Hilnik, Hungary, officiated as cantor in Beuthen, Nurnberg and Vienna (where he…
Milan Slavicky
Milan Slavický was a Czech composer, musicologist, and pedagogue. He came from a musical…
Michal Smoira-Cohn
Born in Tel Aviv, Michal Smoira-Cohn studied at the Palestine Academy of Music (…
David Aaron de Sola
David Aaron De Sola was descended from a distinguished family of Sephardim, who…
Avraham Soltes
Avraham Soltes was born on March 3, 1917, in New York City, to parents who recently…
Jacques (Yaakov) Stroumsa
Jacques Stroumsa was born in Salonika in 1913, the son of a distinguished teacher and…

Ghizela Suliteanu
Romanian ethnomusicologist who collected a great deal of Ashkenazi and Sephardic folk…
Ramon Tasat
Ramón Tasat was born in Buenos Aires. He learned Ladino at his grandmother’s knee. He…
Moshe Taube
Born in Cracow, Poland. After the holocaust, he immigrated to Palestine, where he worked…

Moishe Teitsh
Moishe Teitsh was a Yiddish poet and lecturer. He wrote also in journals and…