(478 results found)
Asher Shimon Mizrahi
… city walls and built a new home across from the Sephardic Synagogue in the newly established neighborhood of … community took notice of Asher Mizrahi’s pleasant voice and musical talents, and he began to earn money working as a … shawl pouches, and ornamented curtains for the ark in the Synagogue. Asher was married at a young age to Rachel of the …
Eliezer S. Abinun
… book suspended from the ceiling of its former main Sephardi synagogue, now a museum. Both Hebrew and Ladino were spoken … He was an acknowledged authority on both the liturgical music and the secular Romancero tradition of the Sephardim. …

Isaac Offenbach
… He left his hometown in 1799 to travel as a wandering musician. In his travels he picked up the epithet “der … Jacques Offenbach . Offenbach was a noted composer of synagogue and secular music. The majority of his musical … of cantorial compositions and transcriptions of traditional synagogue melodies. His manuscripts were donated to The …
Jacques Offenbach
… was born in Cologne to father Isaac Offenbach , a local music teacher and hazzan. He was identified as a musical prodigy early on, and at the age of four he began to … and both boys earned their keep by singing in a local synagogue choir. Due to financial difficulties, Jacques was …
Jan Peerce
… was offered a long-term contract as a singer at Radio City Music Hall , New York . The exposure Peerce received from regular radio broadcasts of Radio City Music Hall performances won him recognition as a gifted … life, making regular appearances as a guest cantor in local synagogues and in cantorial concerts. Peerce also made …
Isaac Schlossberg
… (also known as Leibke Aluxter) were cantors. He studied music and the basics of hazzanut in Vilna under the … tenor) and Edelman (later cantor in one of the Viennese synagogues). At the age of 13, Schlossberg became an … first time conducted the Grand Choir of the Vilna Choral Synagogue. Later he entered the Warsaw Conservatory. In …
Edward Stark
… years with his brothers in the clothing business, pursuing musical activities in his free time. In April of 1884, Stark … he was offered a position at Emanu-El, the largest Reform Synagogue in San Francisco . Emanu-El was one of the first synagogues to use the Union Prayer Book, and as such, Stark …
Joseph Shlisky
… around 1894. As a child, he sang in the choir of the local synagogue. A cantor from a neighboring village heard the … of the 20th century, the Jewish community in Toronto grew, synagogues flourished, and hazzanut began to prosper as an … a means of support. Shlisky never heard a note of Western music until his rise, but joined the Toronto Waves …
David Putterman
… of commissioning various famous composers to compose music for the synagogue. A collection of his compositions was published in … Encyclopedia Judaica . (*The photo is taken from yiddishmusic website) … Cantor … Hazzanut,Hazzanim – …

Isadore Freed
… States and settled in Philadelphia , PA. Freed studied music formally at the University of Pennsylvania, where he … Israel he began to experiment with composing music for the synagogue. In 1939 he published his first liturgical work, … the Jewish modes as they have been treated by a variety of synagogue composers (e.g. Hirsch Weintraub , Abraham W. …