Sephardi Melodies, Music of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews

Choir of the Bevis Marks Synagogue, London (1950). Directed by Jacob Hadida, soloist: Abraham Beniso.

See also in our website the project on the liturgical music of the Gibraltar synagogues, that includes the biography of Hazzan Abraham Beniso.

Sound examples

The album cover
The album cover

Conclusion of the Shabbath

The album cover
The album cover
Mizmor leDavid

Festival morning

The album cover
The album cover
Adon olam- music: D. A. de Sola

Festival morning

The album cover
The album cover

High holiday evening

The album cover
The album cover

Yom kippur

The album cover
The album cover
El nora alila

Conclusion of Yom kippur


The back cover of the album Talelei Zimra, another edition of Sephardi Melodies.


pdf file
Levy recordings London Spanish Portuguese HH.pdf
The album cover: Sephardi Melodies- Music of the Spanish and Portuguese Jews.

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