(335 results found)
Gideon Klein
… Klein relocated his performances to the private homes of Jewish colleagues and friends. Klein’s commitment to the … in 1944, Klein remained one of the core figures in the musical life of the ghetto. Although basic resources such as … of varied styles and sources including Moravian folklore, traditional Hebrew melodies, and the work of composers Leos …
Neil Levin
… and academic life to the scholarly study of the music of Jewish experience from historical, musicological, … courses on a diverse array of Jewish and Judaically related musical subjects spanning a broad spectrum of traditions, his particular areas of focus embrace …
Elio Piattelli
… (and beyond) with a choir that sang melodies from the oral traditions of the various rites of the Roman Jewish community as well as original compositions for … from the University of Rome in 1931, he pursued his innate musicality studying in Rome with Maestro Cesare Dobici …
Bienvenida "Berta" Aguado
… Büyükada , where Aguado became well-known as a kantadera (traditional singer), and her vocal performances were highly … Tikva, where she continued to share her rich Sephardic musical heritage. Berta Aguado made significant … in the National Sound Archive and published by the Jewish Music Research Centre, are invaluable resources for …
Moshe Nathanson
… in Jerusalem in 1899. Until age 10, Nathanson attended a traditional heder (all-boys religious school) in the old … Nathanson decided to transfer to the Institute of Musical Art in New York (now the Julliard School of Music). … of Nathanson’s most important contributions to the field of Jewish music is his compilation of liturgical melodies, …
Joel Walbe
… Ukraine ). As a boy, his education was standard for wealthy Jewish families in Russia. He first studied Torah in the … his business and his way of life. He rejected young Joel's musical interests, and considered the study of music and … foreign folklore, while still within the European classical tradition. He adds that one unique characteristic of Walbe's …
Reuben Rinder
… he moved to the United States and pursued his study of Jewish liturgical music. In 1910, Rinder held a cantorial … Rinder was influential in shaping 20th-century Jewish musical culture. Through insights from the Rinder papers … of the San Francisco Jewish community and its philanthropic tradition. The confluence of these factors enabled Rinder to …
Ram Da-Oz
… techniques of atonality and free tonality in addition to traditional styles, using some Sephardic melodies for his … Israeli folksongs. He plays an important role in the musical life of Haifa , where he still lives today. Sources: …

Jacob Blanes
… Synagogue of Amsterdam see Israel Adler's monograph, Musical Life and Traditions of the Portuguese Jewish Community of Amsterdam in the XVIIIth Century . … …

Shlomo ben Shimshon (Weintraub) Kashtan
… all of his career. He is most closely associated with the Jewish community of Dubno (today in western Ukraine), but … throughout Eastern Europe. Because of the exceptional musical and emotional power of his singing, he attained a … acclaimed exponent of Jewish Eastern European culture and tradition. Christians as well as Jews responded to the …