Metadata & Links Content Keywords Field recording Judeo-Spanish - Ladino Ladino Ladino - Judeo-Espagnol - Judizmo Spanish Morocco Passover Pesach Salonica Saloniki Thessaloniki Gibraltar Monastir Rhodes Sarajevo Tetuan Metadata Material type Recordings Publishers Jewish Music Research Centre- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Type of Recording Research Recording Tradition Sephardi Languages Ladino (Judeo-Spanish, Judezmo) Author Susana Weich-Shahak 26. Las Palabras Retorneadas (Ehad Mi Yodea) Judeo-Spanish Songs for the Year Cycle: Pesah (Passover) Copy Link The year cycle 26a. Quen supiensa y 'ntindiensa Dora Conforti (Dupnitze, Bulgaria) The year cycle 26b. En supiense y entendiensa Seví Avdalah (Dona Bania) The year cycle 26c. Quien supiese o entendiese Isaac Benabu (Gibraltar) The year cycle 26d. Quien supiese o entendiese Seti Benabu (Gibraltar) The year cycle 26e. Quen supiense y entendiense Lina Sillamy (Corcica) The year cycle 26f. En supiensa y entendiensa Rosica Abinun-Romano (Sarajevo) The year cycle 26g. En supiensa y 'ntendiensa Milka Tadjer (Dupnitze) The year cycle 26h. Elohenu se'basamayim Sara Galante (Rhodes) The year cycle 26i. Elohenu sebasamayim Yakov Sadikario et al (Thessaloniki) The year cycle 26j. Elohenu sebasamayim Alegre Halío-Mushabak & Bienvenida Aguado-Mushabak (Chanakale) The year cycle 26k. Elohenu se'basamayim Avraham Sadikario (Monastir) The year cycle 26l. Uno quien sabe? Uno yo lo sé Raquel Garzón Israel (Tetuan) Related content A Flowering Debate: A Judeo-Spanish Song (not just) for Tu BiShvat In Memoriam: Edith Gerson-Kiwi (1908—1992)