The Announcement of the Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem by A.Z. Idelsohn and S.Z. Rivlin in 1910

המאמר להורדה
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מדריך הסגנון של שיקגו

Bayer, Bathja [Batya]. "The Announcement of the Institute of Jewish Music in Jerusalem by A.Z. Idelsohn and S.Z. Rivlin in 1910." Yuval - Studies of the Jewish Music Research Center, vol. V (1986).

תקציר באנגלית

From the beginning of the twentieth century onwards, efforts were made, in various countries and in various ways, to institutionalize the 'fostering and study of Jewish music.' Roughly parallel, in time and place, were certain initiatives affecting the cantorial profession: organizations, journals, and endeavours to set up institutions for the training of cantors. Each of these domains, the fostering and study and the cantorial, merits a full-scale enquiry.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים