Hava'at ha'omer : masechet chag veshirah

This piece was composed by Shelem while he was living in Kibbutz Ramat-Yohanan, to celebrate the Omer festival. Together with Yehuda Sharett's Seder, they formed the 'new ceremonies' of the secular Kibbutz movement.

An excerpt from the preface (written by the publishers):
'We hereby publish the Omer festival ceremony of Kibbutz Ramat- Yohanan, edited by Mattityahu Weiner (Shelem), who wrote both the music and the words. Let us hope that by assembling all the material, and by fieldwork in the Kibbutzim, we will reach our goal- setting a unified style of holiday ceremonies in the entire Kibbutzim movement.'

טקס הבאת העומר- מילים ולחן מאת מתתיהו שלם

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים