Der Weg der Verheissung and the prophecies of Jeremiah

The article Der Weg der Verheissung and the prophecies of Jeremiah (I) was written by David Drew. (Full article can accessed online)

“Der Weg der Verheissung” (1934-35) is Kurt Weill’s only collaboration with the poet, playwright, and novelist Franz Werfel. The first three parts of the work was premiered at the Manhatten Opera House in New York City in 1937 in a revised form entitled “The eternal Road”, translated by Ludwig Lewinsohn, directed by Max Reinhardt, and produced by Meyer Weisgal. The final Part, “Propheten”, was premiered 18 May 1998 at the Konzerthaus in Vienna in a version prepared by the autor. “Der Weg” reflects and comments on the disturbing political climate in which it was written, particularly the deepening perils for Jewish life in Europe and the rise of Zionism.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

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