(113 results found)
Mateša, mateša (4a)
This is a nonsense song girls sing while sitting on a swing (mateša). The word for swing…
Eres chiquita y bonita [Coplas de mateša] (5a)
Songs 5a and 5b are composed of a series of couplets sung at the swing as a poetic-…
Yo me levantaría un lunes (6a)
This song is performed at weddings, although the text refers only allusively to the…
7. Levantíśme, madre/ Hecha está la cama
(7a) This wedding song is about the choosing of a husband and what characteristics and…
Ajuar nuevo (8a)
A wedding song about the dowry display. It is very important that the bride's dowry…
Hermana, hermana, hermana (9)
In this wedding song the bride's sister is invited to come early in the morning (v.1-2,…
Ay díle si bien me quiere (10)
A wedding song. The bride asks to tell her beloved to come and fetch her on his mule (v.…
La novia destrenza el pelo (11a)
The bride unfastens her tresses (v.1) and her "knight" (the groom) faints (v.2). He…
Ay, que si te fueres a bañar novia (12)
This wedding song refers to the bride's ritual bath. She goes accompanied by her mother…
La novia se bañaba (13)
This wedding song also refers to the ritual bath (v. 1-3). It lists what brides deserve…