(142 results found)
Henech Kon
A composer of musical theatre, Henech Kon was an important member of the thriving…
Nahum Heiman
… to English, and quickly told her about the ten thousand kilometers and the dreams I went through on my way to her. …
Max Leibowitz
Max Leibowitz was born in Iași, Romania and in September 1905 he emigrated to the …
Zalmen Mlotek
Zalmen Mlotek is an American conductor, pianist, musical arranger, accompanist, composer…
Harry Kandel
Harry Kandel was an American clarinetist and bandleader, one of the pioneers of modern…
Eliakum Zunser
Eastern European poet and singer. He is known for his songs that preached nationalism…
Alexander Uria Boscovich
… such as Arab maqamat, taqsim and nouba, heterophony, uneven meter and rhythms, and preference for woodwinds, strings, …
Jascha Nemtsov
Jascha Nemtsov was born in Magadan (Siberia) in 1963 and grew up in Saint Petersburg…

Isaac Eliyahu Navon
… rhyme schemes of AABB, AAAB or AABA), syllabic-phonetic meters and quotations of the Jewish holy and literary …
Else Lasker-Schüler
Else Lasker-Schüler was a German-Jewish poet and playwright famous for her bohemian …