Abda betauhid

Abda betauhid

Written by Shalem Shabazi

Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Shira with tawshiḥ by Shalem Shabazi, signed Alshabazi, written alternately in Hebrew and Arabic. It is sung in many celebrations, and particularly in the seven feast days after a wedding. 

This recording features Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak begin with the blessing Ana adonai hoshi'a na (We beg Thee, O Lord, redeem us), and sing the melody of song no. 8 in their own version: all of stanzas 1, 2, and 4, and a conclusion consisting of the first three verses of stanza 5 and the last verse of stanza 6 (the end of the poem). They sing a typical responsorium: usually Zecharia begins and Yosef responds, and at the end of each verse they sing together. The performance concludes with the blessing Vekulkhem berukhim.

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