Metadata & Links Content Keywords Sephardim Spanish Morocco Gibraltar Casablanca Pesach Metadata Material type Recordings Year 1976 Place of Recording Canada Tradition Western Sephardic Languages Hebrew Country/Area Gibraltar (UK) Performer James Levy Yigdal for the Second Evening of Pesah From the collection of James Levy Copy Link James Levy, 1983 Yigdal for the second evening of Pesah Pesah: second evening (Sung in commemoration of the Gibraltar storm, 1766) Only sung on the second night of Pesah, in commemoration of the great storm which hit Gibraltar in 1776. See the biography of James Levy. Attachments 236-Pesach-eve 2-Yigdal-story Gibraltar storm 1766.pdf The story about "Yigdal" that sung in commemoration of the Gibraltar storm (1766). Related content A Flowering Debate: A Judeo-Spanish Song (not just) for Tu BiShvat The Invention of the Mizrahim