Shir hatunah be-leyl hamishi kesheyoshvim im he-hatan (be-aravit)

Shir hatunah be-leyl hamishi kesheyoshvim im he-hatan (be-aravit)


Shir hatunah be-leyl hamishi kesheyoshvim im he-hatan (be-aravit). Wedding song for the 5th night when a groom sits with a group (in Arabic). Performed by Yemenite Jews (solo and choir) on July 19th, 1913. Cyl. # 647.        2:13

A Nashid in Arabic in the form of a qasida from the Yemenite Diwan performed by soloist in alternation with two choirs, the second one of lower voices. The translation is “You have taught my heart to love, gazelle, oh my beloved, and my mind was stolen.”

Shir hatunah be-leyl hamishi kesheyoshvim im he-hatan (

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