Metadata & Links Content Keywords Poetry Holocaust Holocaust songs Yiddish Translations Transliterations Metadata Material type Songsters Publishers Educational Department of the Workmen’s Circle Place of publication New York Year 1983 Pages 104 Tradition Eastern Ashkenazi Languages English Yiddish Country/Area Eastern Europe Editor Eleanor Gordon Mlotek Editor Malke Gottlieb Author Elie Wiesel Author Tsirl (Cecelia G.) Waletzky We are here: songs of the Holocaust Copy Link Compiled by Elanor Mlotek and Malke Gottlieb ; foreword by Eli Wiesel ; singable translations by Roslyn Bresnick-Perry; illustrated by Tsirl Waletzky. Yiddish title: מיר זיינען דא (mir zeinen da) Related content Book Review: Music’s Making - The Poetry of Music; The Music of Poetry Cherlin M., Music’s making: The Poetry of Music, the Music of Poetry. SUNY Press, 2024… Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre Tish-nigunim in the Post-vernacular Era This study aims to trace the unique characteristics of…