Metadata & Links Content Keywords Poetry Holocaust Holocaust songs Yiddish Persecutions Ghetto Lithuania World War II - 2nd World War - WW2 Jews Vilnius Metadata Material type Books Publishers Picus Place of publication Wien Year 1992 Pages 199 Tradition Eastern Ashkenazi Languages German Yiddish Country/Area Lithuania Editor Florian Freund Editor Franz Ruttner Editor Hans Safrian Ess firt kejn weg zurik-- :Geschichte und Lieder des Ghettos von Wilna, 1941-1943 Copy Link Text in German, with texts of songs in Yiddish transliteration and German. Introduction by Simon Wiesenthal. Related content Book Review: Music’s Making - The Poetry of Music; The Music of Poetry Cherlin M., Music’s making: The Poetry of Music, the Music of Poetry. SUNY Press, 2024… Tish-nigunim Ascribed to Yosl Tolner and the Aesthetics of the Genre Tish-nigunim in the Post-vernacular Era This study aims to trace the unique characteristics of…