"Yedid elyion shema' mini devarim" (May the Lord on high hear my words)

"Yedid elyion shema' mini devarim" (May the Lord on high hear my words)

Written by Yehosef

Performed by Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak

Nashid by Yehosef, signed Yehosef Haqatan. An exhortation to read the Bible, the Mishnah, and the works of Maimonides, and to live a moral life (Hafetz Haim: 56). This is one of the rare examples of the preservation of the sequence nashid-shira-hallel in its entirety.

Yosef Ozeiri and Zecharia Yitzhak begin the sequence nashid-shira-hallel with this song to a response: Zecharia Yitzhak begins, and Yosef Ozeiri responds. Sometimes the response is in the following hemistich. The first foot (-) is sung by one singer, and the second responds with the next two feet (**-- ----). The beginning is slow, without percussion, but the second verse is repeated with the accompaniment of a tin pan, and later also of a drum, and the song continues like this until the end. In the fifth verse the meter of the music changes from duple to triple, and its tempo is accelerated. At the end the usual blessing, Ana adonai hushia' na (O Lord redeem us) is sung, and is repeated - Ana adonai hoshia' na ve-hatzliḥa na (O Lord redeem us and make us prosper) - before the next shira.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

הירשם לניוזלטר שלנו כדי לקבל עדכונים