73. Melisenda insomne (La Gloria)

Melisenda insomne

La Gloria

A short and truncated selection of lines from a romance widespread among Sephardic Jews in the Eastern Mediterranean, especially in Sarajevo (CMP B17). It was profusely recorded in the early discography and thoroughly documented. See also for example, Haim Effendi, 2008, CD 4, no. 11; Hemsi 1995, no. 5; Attias 1961, no. 33; Armistead and Silverman 1971b, no. C1). Moreover, it became one of the most recorded songs in the modern discography. The last stanza of this recording is very rare. According to Petrovic (1990), the music is similar to the Bosnian sevdalinka genre.

Nochis, nochis, buenas nochis,

nochis son de namorar.

Ah, nochis son de namorar.


Dando vueltas por la cama

como peci en la mar.

Ah, como el peci en la mar.


Tres hermanicas ellas eran,

todas tres a un andar.

Ah, todas tres a un andar.


Salto la primera y dici:

gocemos la mocidad.

Ah, gocemos la mocidad.


Si a mañana mos casamos

no mos den mas gozar.

Ah, no mos den mas gozar.

הרשמו לניוזלטר

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