(3800 results found)
Neil Levin
Artistic Director of the Milken Archive since 1993, Neil W. Levin has devoted his…
Nurit Hirsh
Hundreds of Nurit Hirsh's songs are inalienable assets of the Hebrew Folk Song ('Zemer…
Martin (Rosebery d'Arguto) Rosenberg
Conducted a worker's chorus under the pseudonym of Rosebery d'Arguto in a suburb of…
Issachar Miron-Michrovsky
Portrayed by Readers' Digest as 'a top ranking composer;' in Christian…
Avraham Slep
Avraham Slep, composer, teacher, conductor, and arranger, was born in 1884. It is not…
Moshe Wilensky
Moshe Wilensky was born in 1910 in Warsaw, Poland. During World War I, his family…
Richard Newman
Richard Jacob Newman was a composer, arranger, conductor, and teacher. Neumann…
Leon Lishner
Leon Lishner was a Jewish American operatic bass-baritone. He was particularly…
Elio Piattelli
Biography by Pasquale Troia
Choirmaster of the Tempio Maggiore (Great Synagogue) in…
Henech Kon
A composer of musical theatre, Henech Kon was an important member of the thriving…