(251 results found)
In Ale Gasn\ Hey Hey Daloy Politsey
… Politsey'-'Hey hey down with the police'). The first two verses come from In Ale Gasn, a labor song which talks about … strike. It has a simple structure composed of a repeating verse with the same melody. The last two lines of each verse are sung twice. This song appears in two collections …
Eicha Yashva Badad
… Eicha. It has an acrostic, as all the first letters of each verse create a sequence of the Hebrew alphabet. The three … below are three versions of a reading of chapter 1, verses 1-3, in the Iraqi Nussach, sung by Baruch Abdallah … which arrived to the new State of Israel. In these verses, the poet laments the fall of Zion and the exile …
Musical Traditions of the Ethiopian Jews
… been intensively engaged in documenting and studying the diverse religious and secular musical repertoires of Ethiopian …
With Songs They Respond: The Diwan of the Jews from Central Yemen
… and recording, and, secondly, in accordance with the diverse principles and combinations characteristic of the …

Responsorial Singing
… of the Song of the Sea — the leader initiating a verse, the congregation completing it; the leader initiating a verse, the congregation repeating it; the congregation repeating a “motto” from the opening verse as a refrain — more likely reflects early synagogue …
Hay ram galeh
… liturgical style. This style merges diverse Jewish practices from the Middle East, such as the … phrases from extant piyyutim or fragments of Biblical verses are interwoven into a new work on the basis of their …
Priestly Blessing- Birkat Kohanim
… kidashnu bkdushato shel Aharon …' (Our God,King of the Universe, Who sanctified us, with the holiness of Aaron). The … la'avoteinu eretz zavat h alav udevash' (Master of the universe, we have done that which you decreed upon us. You too, … Reading The musical capabilities of the priests are very diverse and change depending on the priest. Some of the …
… The central part of the Kedusha is based on three biblical verses from the prophecies of Isaiah and Ezekiel: 'Kadosh … At the beginning of the second millennia, a variety of verses was added to these three verses. Some of the additions were adopted by all of the …
Elohim Eshala
… traditional song. It includes only the first four batim (verses) of the poem: the first two ones are in the nashid … refrain (“Ve-ha-kohen”) is applied to the third and fourth verses. Wilensky masterfully creates a “cloudy” accompaniment to the first two verses (no clear beat or harmony is heard except for the …

Karaite Jews Musical Tradition
… The liturgical parts (volumes 1-3) are mostly a series of verses from the Bible as well as a few piyyutim (a specific … a recitation tone [5] and every piece is comprised of a few verses. In each verse, the same motifs appear. The opening [6] and closing …