(226 results found)
Zecharia Plavin
… concert activities since 1980, including Israel Philharmonc Orchestra, and other orchestras, also in Europe and USA, under numerous …
Joseph Achron
… of counterpoint, fugal and other musical forms and studied orchestration with M. Steinberg. During that period, he … composer Joseph Achron, when he worked successfully with orchestras and chamber music ensembles and wrote music for … to settle in Hollywood , where he worked successfully with orchestras for various film studios. In California , he also …
Marc Lavry
… In 1929, Lavry was hired to conduct the Berliner Symphony Orchestra, and three years later in 1932 received a post as … 1947 Lavry conducted the Palestine Folk Opera and Palestine Orchestra. In 1950 Lavry was invited to head the Kol Zion La … art music, with a large corpus of oratorios, chamber and orchestral works, popular songs, and theater music. Perhaps …
Nahum Nardi
… Romance . And other works, such as: 24 variations for orchestra ; Suite for Bassoon and Clarinet; Yemenite …
Sholom Secunda
… befriended the Navy Bandleader and was assigned the task of orchestrating the weekly military band shows. Sholom left … period includes a string quartet, a violin concerto, an orchestral tone poem, and two cantatas: 'If Not Higher' and …
Mordekhai Seter
… ( Tikkun Hatzot ), an oratorio for tenor, three choirs and orchestra depicting the redemption of the Jewish people. … since). It was also selected for the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra’s Millennium Festival program (January 2000, along … 1953-6), and Elegy (violin and piano, 1954). His orchestral pieces were written between 1957 and 1968, among …
Josef Tal (Gruenthal)
… with Hindemith). Almost half of Tal’s over 100 works are orchestral and stage works (operas, oratorios). Only a dozen … including a chart of the rows and composer’s analysis. His orchestral works include 6 symphonies, another 6 orchestral works, and 13 concertos. He was awarded the first …

Michele Bolaffi
… including an opera Saul, a Misere for three voices and orchestra (1802), a sonetto on the death of Haydn (1809) and …
Mario Castelnuovo-Tedesco
… continued composing art music, producing a corpus of 70 orchestral works and several Operas, including The Merchant …
Mikhail Gnesin
… works, Songs from the Old Country (1919) and The Jewish Orchestra at the Ball of the Town Bailiff (1926); and the …