(123 results found)
Shire hatunah: Anokhi Adonai Elohekha; Ve-ze ha-zman yavo Mashiah; Yiftah Adonai ba-Torah.
Iran (Shiraz)
Sequence of wedding songs. Shire hatunah: Anokhi Adonai Elohekha; Ve-ze…
El lifne [sic] har Galil (shir hatunah)
Iran (Shiraz)
El lifne [sic] har Galil (shir hatunah). The god appearing in front of…
50. Bezokhri 'al mishkavi (Çakum Effendi)
A selihah by Rabbi Yehudah Ibn Bal’am (Al-Andalus, 11th century). Çakum Effendi sings…
Si este niño se durmiere (2)
שיר ערש בנוי מבתים על עניינים שונים: תיאור התינוק בשנתו (ש' 1-4), מאוויו של התינוק (ש'…
14. Y fuérame a bañar/ Pase la novia andando
(14 a) This wedding song refers, in the first person, to bathing at the river (v. 1…
“Unter dem kinds Wiegele” – Beneath the Baby’s Cradle
Stutschewsky described the Yiddish lullaby as a genre as follows:
Here lies the…
“Der Rebe geht schon tanzen” (chassidisch) – The Rabbi is about to Dance (Hasidic)
This is one of the best-known Yiddish songs with anti-Hassidic overtones (see Mlotek…
“Schlof majn Kind, ich wel dich wigen” (Wiegenlied) – Sleep my child, I will cradle you (Lullaby)
Probably the source for Stutschewsky’s arrangement, as in the case of Unter dem…
Nahôn libbo is hujire – Whole-heartedly is the fearful believer
נָכוֹן לִבּוֹ אִישׁ הוּא יָרֵא כָּל נְתִיבוֹ מִצְוַת בּוֹרֵא
נֶאֱמַר בּוֹ כָּתוּב…
“Die alte Kasche” (Volkslied) – The Old Question (Folksong)
Die alte Kasche stands out in the Yiddish folksong corpus for its simplest and yet…