(180 results found)
Shlomo Ravitz
… and Fayge in Nevhardak, Belarus. Since childhood, he had musical talents. At the age of 12, he composed cantorial … published Kol Yisrae l , a two-volume work containing his compositions and arrangements of traditional tunes. One of … founded by Haim Nachman Byalik. Ravitz managed the musical aspect of these Shabbat events, with his student …
Walter Salmen
… began after studying musicology, history, philosophy, composition, and organ at the University of Heidelberg, at … socio-historical perspective. He is one of the ancestors of musical iconography, one of the founding members of the RIdIM (Répertoire International d'Iconographie musicale) research group, of which he was elected an …
Milan Slavicky
… Czech composer, musicologist, and pedagogue. He came from a musical family. His father Klement Slavický and both his … and Klement Slavický were composers. Milan Slavický studied composition at JAMU in Brno, under the instruction of Jan … He also dealt with journalism, musicological work, and composition. He wrote symphonic, chamber, and …
Viktor Ullmann
… Steuermann. That same year, he joined Arnold Schoenberg ’s composition seminar, through which he became acquainted with … the fall of 1927, Ullmann took a short-term engagement as musical director in Usti nad Labem (now Aussig). After one … anthroposophy movement, and subsequently ceased all musical activity for two years in order to run the …

Esther R. Warkov
… received a Fulbright for her MA research, Twentieth Century Musical Composition in Wales and its Relationship with Traditional … as an indicator of culture change. Warkov’s research and musical analysis relied on her skills as a student-performer …
Mordechai Yardeni (Motl Sherman)
… newspaper ' Yiddishe Welt' began to publish his musical and theatrical reviews. In February 1930, at the … same time, under the pseudonym Mordechai Yardeni, his first compositions Eso eynay (I lift my eyes) and Tsaakat …

Alois Kaiser
… him and William Sparger with the compilation of the musical portion of a Union Hymnal, published in 1897. With … containing music for Sabbaths and festivals. Of his other compositions may be mentioned: "Confirmation Hymns" (1873); …
Meir Shimon Geshuri
… childhood in the all-Christian Dańdówka in terms of extreme musical isolation and alienation. Hendel-Malka, Geshuri’s … Hassidic music later in his life. At the same time, his musical education in Berlin and Dresden opened before him … niggun performed was one which he defined as “a profound composition of Habad, attributed to R. Mikhael Hazaken who …

Samuel Naumbourg
… professional hazzanim in his family. He received his formal musical education in Munich where he was recruited to sing … of Zemirot Israel in 1847 , which included original compositions and arrangements for Shabbat and Holiday … a genre that was a pervasive force in the cultural and musical milieu of nineteenth century France. In 1874, …

David Nowakowsky
… taught him a great deal about vocal arrangement and choral composition. As a side project, Nowakowsky organized and … accompaniment. As a result of this project, Nowakowsky’s compositional style changed; he began infusing cantorial … poem Tikvateinu for the Fifth Zionist Conference. His musical arrangment of the poem was later replaced by a …