(354 results found)
"Ashira la'ahuv ve-ha-shir lo asdir - Halleluya" (I will sing to my love, and regulate the song - Hallelujah)
… with the first three letters of the alphabet to the ḥaduyya melody, repeating each verse, and then proceed at once to …
"Le-fellaḥ ha-rimon" (To a segment of the pomegranate)
… fourth verse to another. In the first two stanzas the first melody, the wedding tune, is sung, but the third stanza is sung to a different melody. The first melody is repeated in the fifth stanza and in the concluding …
"Betzet ḥatan be'et qiddush" (When the groom goes out at the time of qiddush)
… Zubeiri sings and accompanies himself with a tin pan. The melody has three motifs: verses 1-4 and 7-8 are sung to the …
A cantor’s pledge in the High Holyday’s Provençal liturgy (Minhag Carpentras)
… or the notation of arguably integral pitches from the melody as grace notes in the cadence under the word …
Niña llena de brillos (Ah ninia Jena di brillos, Ah ninia lüna di brilles)
… likely added in the process of oral transmission, when the melody of an extant, unidentified song was adapted to …
Noche de Alḥad (Al Dio alto)
… Yosef hasadic . Haim sings four stanzas with the widespread melody characterized by the melodic progression ( seyir ) of … version is slightly faster. Sephardi Ottoman Jews use this melody also for Lekha eli teshuqati by Abraham Ibn Ezra, a …
9. Nagham
… demonstrates his unique violin style in “Nagham” (“Melody”) in maqam bayat nawa . Recorded in Israel in 1969 …
El infante cautivo (Carselero i piadoso, Karselero al piadoso, Carcelaro ipiadoso, Karselero ai piadoso, Karselero i piadoso)
… a feature noticeable particularly in the ending of the melody in the middle of verse 4 and in its new beginning on …
La luz en el balcón (Avre tu puerta, Avre tou puerta)
… in the modern discography. Yet, the modern versions of the melody are usually metered and differ substantially from the …
6. Coplas de Hanukkah: Dak Il Tas, Toma El Tas
… composed a Hanukkah piyyut based on its format and melody with the following heading: “Lahan [Melody of] Merquedes mis haverim, semai [Turkish musical …