(513 results found)
The “Jewish Baroque”: The Allure of a Modern Musical Affair
… a renewed interest in written music sources of historical European Jewish communities. Driven by a … agenda to constitute a history of Jewish music in Europe which would resonate with mainstream Western music history, Adler toured post-war Europe in a comprehensive search for manuscripts from …
Yom Yom Odeh: Towards the Biography of a Hebrew Baidaphon Record
… by the Lebanese record label Baidaphon, the largest non-European record company active in the Middle East during the …
Stefanie Mockert
… has been involved in the joined research projects with the European Center for Jewish Music, Hanover: “ From Berlin to … her academic career Mockert performs and teaches piano in Europe and Israel. She is studying with Prof. Denis Burstein …
Clara Wenz
… of religion and relationships between Europe and the Middle East. Her current research project …
The Fall of Jerusalem in Song: The Ashkenazi Melody She’eh ne’esar
… symmetric structure [that] gives it the stamp of the common European song.” Melody emerges in this case from the poetic … with some reservations. For example, what is “a common European song” is highly conjectural. However, a critique of … of the melody, identified by Avenary as the “Eastern European” one, is quoted from Idelsohn in volume 8 of his …
The Edith Gerson-Kiwi Legacy
… para-liturgical and non-religious music of the non-European Jewish communities whose members relocated to … Edith Gerson-Kiwi's extensive estate was acquired by the European Center for Jewish Music (EZJM) in Hannover, … includes the transformation of knowledge inherited from Europe, such as the image of the Orient or the …
Review essay: Kevin C. Karnes and Emilis Melngailis, Jewish Folk Songs from the Baltics
… a brief general history of folk song ethnography in Eastern Europe, and of the cultural life of Jews in Latvia, with … According to Karnes, folk songs were collected in Eastern Europe since the 1850s, decades after this practice was well … their culture, subsequently, was part of the larger Eastern European Jewish space. Karnes maintains that this …
Book review: Hernan Tesler-Mabé, Mahler’s Forgotten Conductor
… World and ends with the integration into the formerly East European Jewish communities of the New World. But as … on the way in which Unger promoted the dissemination of European art within small communities in Canada, his …
Book review: James Kaplan, Irving Berlin: New York Genius
… it owes little to rag-time, it allies itself not with the European styles of first-generation immigrants, but with a …
Moshe Cordova
… was also known as Kal de los Francos (Synagogue of the Europeans) since at least the late 1910s. It was founded by …