Metadata & Links Content Keywords Field recording Judeo-Spanish - Ladino Ladino Ladino - Judeo-Espagnol - Judizmo Shabbat Sabbath Sarajevo Metadata Material type Recordings Publishers Jewish Music Research Centre- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Year 1994 Place of Recording Kiryat Motzkin Type of Recording Research Recording Tradition Sephardi Languages Ladino (Judeo-Spanish, Judezmo) Author Susana Weich-Shahak 51. Bendición de la Comida+ Noche de Alhad Judeo-Spanish Songs for the Year Cycle: Sabbath Copy Link The year cycle 51. Comimos y bebimos + Al Dio alto con su gracia Rosica Abinun-Romano (Sarajevo) Related content A Flowering Debate: A Judeo-Spanish Song (not just) for Tu BiShvat In Memoriam: Edith Gerson-Kiwi (1908—1992)