Metadata & Links Content Keywords Field recording Judeo-Spanish - Ladino Ladino Ladino - Judeo-Espagnol - Judizmo Jerusalem Purim Spanish Morocco Metadata Material type Recordings Publishers Jewish Music Research Centre- The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Type of Recording Research Recording Tradition Sephardi Languages Ladino (Judeo-Spanish, Judezmo) Author Susana Weich-Shahak 13. La Intercesión de Ester Judeo-Spanish Songs for the Year Cycle: Purim Copy Link The year cycle 13a. Con gran placer, Señores Abraham Benhamu (Tetuan) The year cycle 13b. Hamán mamzer, el malo Seti Benabu (Gibraltar) The year cycle 13c. Cuando Ester la reina vistióse de reina Henriette Benchimol (Tangier) Related content A Flowering Debate: A Judeo-Spanish Song (not just) for Tu BiShvat Misrepresenting Jerusalem