49. Im afes (Çakum Effendi)

Im afes

Çakum Effendi

An ‘aqedah, a liturgical poem on the binding of Isaac, by Rabbi Ephraim Bar Isaac of Regensburg (1110-1175), a poet from Ashkenaz (Germany), that is included in the Sephardic selihot service. There are several versions of this poem in Judeo-Spanish, including one by Haim Effendi published in 1895 (BAECS, nos. 207a, 239a, 244a). Çakum’s version is very close to the version recorded by Haim Effendi (2008, CD I, no. 12), though shorter. His version differs from Haim Effendi’s published version of 112 the text. This melody in makam Uşşak/Hüseyni is one of the most widespread Eastern Sephardic traditional tunes for the High Holidays. Isaac Algazi recorded Im afes with this same traditional melody but with the Hebrew text (Seroussi 1989, no. 3).

Si atemar se atemó el semen de tu nido,

tienda que moró la šejiná si es vaciado,

non seremos por siempre depedridos,

zejut de un padre viejo mos arremampará.


Tú que siempre le mostrates tu claredad,

y nosotros enmentaremos delantre tu justedad.

Le dijites: toma a tu hijo regalado

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La siniza del mizbeah harás buenedad.

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