
Bibliographic items

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Cohen, Hillel. "Son’im, Sipur Ahava: ‘Al Mzrahim ve-’Aravim (ve-Ashkenazim Gam) me-Reshit ha-Tzionut ve-‘Ad Meoraot 2021" (Enemies, a Love Story: Mizrahi Jews, Palestinian Arabs and Ashkenazi Jews, from the Rise of Zionism to the Present). Rishon LeZion: Ivrit, 2022.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Stanton, Andrea L. "This is Jerusalem Calling": State Radio in Mandate Palestine. Austin, TX: University of Texas Press, 2013.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Evri, Yuval, Orit Bashkin, Nancy E. Berg and Yoram Meital. "Tugat ha-Filologim ve- Kishlei ha-Nisayon Likbor et ha-Zehut veha-Tarbut ha-Yehudit-Aravit" (‘The Philologists’ Sorrows and the Failure of Attempts to Bury Arab-Jewish Identity and Culture’). Jama’ah 25 (2021): 353–78.

The Chicago Manual of Style

Bareli, Avi. "Yerushalayim ha-hatsuyah, 1948-1967: mekorot, sikumim, parashiyot nivharot ve-homer ʻezer" (Divided Jerusalem 1948-1967). Jerusalem: Yad Yitzhak Ben-Tzvi, 1994.

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