Frida Zibel-Goldstein

Frida Zibel was a Yiddish actress. She performed at Galicia and America.

Frida Zibel was born on 27 December 1877 in Lemberg, Galicia. At the age of thirteen she began singing in the chorus of the Lemberg Polish Opera, where she sang for three years. Then she was engaged by Gimpel for his Yiddish theatre. Her first appearance was as 'Delilah' in the operetta 'Shimshen der hagiber' (Samson the Hero).

In 1894 the actor Tsvibel came to Lemberg. Frida married him and was taken to America, where they acted at the Windsor Theatre under the direction of Thomashefsky and Finkel. Her first appearance in New York was in 'Ahasuerus' as 'Esther' the Queen Esther.

After acting for three years in America, she with her husband traveled to Europe, and when he died there, she remained for several years acting in Galicia.

In 1906 Zibel married actor Leyzer Goldstein with whom she acted since then in various troupes.

Full biography from the 'Lexicon of the Yiddish Theatre'.


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