Metadata & Links Content Keywords Hazzanut Cantors - Hazzanim History Paraliturgy Score Scores Cantorials Choir Liturgical music Cantor Metadata Material type Scores Publishers F. Knuf Place of publication Buren Year 1990 Pages 2 volumes Tradition Western Ashkenazi Languages Dutch English Hebrew Country/Area Netherlands Author Joppe Poolman van Beusekom Editor Hans (Joseef ben Michael) Bloemendal Amsterdams chazzanoet : synagogale muziek van de Ashkenazische gemeente Copy Link Texts in Hebrew with translation into English and Dutch. Introductory matter in Dutch and English by H.M. Polak inserted. English title: Amsterdam chazzanut. Hebrew title: שירי חזני אמשטרדם. Related content Matthew Austerklein Matthew Austerklein is an American-trained cantor completing his PhD in Jewish Studies at Halle-… Ezra Barnea The Jewish Music Research Centre mourns the passing of Ezra Barnea, a friend, colleague and…