The Western Sephardi Liturgical Tradition as Sung by Abraham Lopes Cardoso
The Western Sephardi Liturgical Tradition as Sung by Abraham Lopes Cardozo. Originally from the Portuguese Jewish community in Amsterdam, serving the Portuguese community of Suriname and then more than 40 years as Hazzan of the Spanish and Portuguese Synagogue of New York City, Cardozo is considered one of the last living Hazzanim of the venerable Western Sephardi tradition. This CD combines recordings carried out over a span of almost 50 years, and attempts to sample the various layers of the liturgy: recitation formulae for various occasions (Shabbat, Festivals, Circumcision and Wedding), cantillation (reading from the Scriptures), and melodies for the High Holidays and Qinnot (dirges).
You can also find this album on Apple Music or download MP3s on Amazon.
Sound Examples

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardoso

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardoso

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardoso

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardoso

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardozo

Performed by Reverend Abraham Lopes Cardoso
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