(3800 results found)
Boris Levenson
Born in Bessarbia. Studied and worked as a conductor in St. Petersburg, settling in the…
Yoel David Lewensohn- Strashunsky
Yoel David Lewnsohn-Strashunsky was born in Liepaja, Latvia. He worked as a cantor in…
Solomon Lipschitz
Born in Furth, Germany. Worked as cantor in various cities in Europe, including Prague…
Max Löwenstamm
Born in Trebic, Moravia (today Czech Republic). Officiated as cantor in Munich (1847-…
Yinam Leef
A selection from his biography on the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance website…
Yehoshua Lakner
Born in Czechoslovakia, and immigrated to Palestine in 1941. Worked as a teacher in…
Nehama Lifshitz
Nehama Lifshitz was born in Kaunas, Lithuania and immigrated to Israel in 1969. She was…
Jascha Nemtsov
Jascha Nemtsov was born in Magadan (Siberia) in 1963 and grew up in Saint Petersburg…
Betty Olivero
Betty Olivero is a contemporary Israeli composer, who has lived during most of her…
Pnina Salzman
“The first lady of the piano in Israel,' and, 'She is considered the first Israel-born…