(3800 results found)
Abraham Ber Birnbaum
Polish cantor and composer. Abraham Ber Birnbaum was born to a Hassidic family in…
Alexander Uria Boscovich
Alexander Uriyah Boskovich (Cluj, Hungary, now Romania, 1907 – Tel-Aviv, 1964,…
Jacob Bauer
Cantor and teacher. Born in Szenice, Hungary. Cantor and adaptor of music in the Turkish…
Herman Berlinski
Born in Leipzig in 1910. Immigrated to the U.S. in 1941. Was known as an organist (…
Gary Bertini
Born in Bessarabia (today Moldova), immigrated to Palestine in 1946. Founded and…
Abel Ehrlich
Abel Ehrlich (Cranz, 1915 – Tel-Aviv, 2003 immigrated in 1939), 1997 Israel Prize…
Abraham Caceres (Casseres)
Dutch composer. Abraham Caceres (Casseres) was the leading musician in the Portuguese…
Shlomo Carlebach
Rabbi, composer and performer. Shlomo Carlebach was born in Berlin, Germany. In 1939, he…
Berele Chagy
Born in Dagdo, Russia. Officiated as cantor in Russia, the U.S. and South Africa. …
Davit Civita
Italian musician. One of the group of Jewish musicians connected with the court of the…