(3800 results found)
Lucy Levin
Lucy Levin was born on July 1906 in Vilna, Polish Lithuania. In 1908 she came with…
Regina Zuckerberg
Born in Europe, Regina Zuckerberg was an actress on the Yiddish theater scene.
Nissan Spivak
Also know as 'Nissi Belzer'. His birth place is uncertain, but most sources agree on…
Ida Kaminska
Ida Kamińska was a Polish actress and director. In her long career Kamińska produced…
Reuben Rinder
Born in Tarnów, Galicia (today’s Poland), in 1887, Reuben Rinder studied at the local…
Ilia Trilling
See biography in MIlken Archive.
(The photo was taken from Trilling's Wikipedia…
Elliot Reuben Wolfson
US professor of Judaiac Studies. For biography at Jewish Virtual Library, click here.
Zalman Zylbercweig
Zalman Zylbercweig was born in a small town outside of Lodz, Poland. His father was…
Zalmen Mlotek
Zalmen Mlotek is an American conductor, pianist, musical arranger, accompanist, composer…
Mickey Katz
Meyer Myron 'Mickey' Katz was an American musician and comedian who specialized in …